Gerrit Jan Koopman

Industry member


Gerrit Jan Koopman is director of the Royal VNP, the trade association of Dutch paper and cardboard factories. There are 20 paper factories in the Netherlands that make a range of products: from internet and food packaging to paper for folders and magazines, but also security and hygienic paper are made in our country.

The VNP helps its members in areas such as sustainability, innovations, safe working, talent development and communication. Because the challenges arising from the Climate Agreement are great, the VNP recently set up a project bureau that focuses one hundred percent on the implementation of innovations that help companies achieve their sustainability goals.

In addition to being director of the VNP, Gerrit Jan is chairman of the sixth industry cluster, the collective of Dutch sectors that collaborates across sectors to make industry more sustainable.

In his spare time Gerrit Jan is a fanatic cyclist and likes to be in the kitchen to share his cooking skills with his family or guests.


Stichting The Sustainable Industry Lab

Princetonlaan 8a, 3584 CB Utrecht,
The Netherlands
P. O. Box 80.115, 3508 TC Utrecht,
The Netherlands

Chamber of Commerce: 80381375

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