Emmy Ruiter

Academic member · 

Board member


Emmy Ruiter obtained a degree in International Business, European Policy and a PhD in political science as an external fellow at Maastricht University. As of May 2020, she fulfils the position of managing director at the Pathways to Sustainability programme of UU. In 2013, Emmy joined Utrecht University (UU) as a senior advisor on research policy and programme manager EU affairs, based within the University Corporate Offices. In this role she was responsible for the coordination of the university's EU public affairs strategy, policy engagement and representation of the university in Brussels. Before 2013, Emmy held various public affairs positions in Brussels, representing Dutch regional and local governments and working for a consultancy and communications firm.

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Stichting The Sustainable Industry Lab

Princetonlaan 8a, 3584 CB Utrecht,
The Netherlands
P. O. Box 80.115, 3508 TC Utrecht,
The Netherlands

Email: info@sustainableindustrylab.nl
Chamber of Commerce: 80381375

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