Albert Faber

Govermental member


Albert Faber is a senior policy advisor at the strategy unit of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs & Climate. His interests are on complexity, adaptive governance, long-term policy making and a wide range of sustainability issues.

Before settling at the ministry Faber has worked for almost twenty years at the interface of science and policy, at the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) and at the Dutch Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR). He was trained in environmental sciences at Wageningen University.

Faber has published in many reports, articles, books and contributions on a wide range of topics. He is the author of 'De Gemaakte Planeet, leven in het Antropoceen' (The planet we made, life in the Anthropocene). His approach is always interdisciplinary, cross-thematic and on the interface of policy, politics and science.

“When trying to navigate through complex challenges, like the corona pandemics, it’s common practice that policy makers consult researchers from various disciplines. Processing all this information and data is not trivial. The policy maker is essentially the interdisciplinary processor of all this disciplinary scientific knowledge. This stresses the need for real co-creation between science and policy.”

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Stichting The Sustainable Industry Lab

Princetonlaan 8a, 3584 CB Utrecht,
The Netherlands
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