Manon Bloemer

Industry member · 

Supervisory board member


Manon Bloemer is Director General of Koninklijke VNCI (Royal Association of the Dutch Chemical Industry). VNCI represents and promotes the collective interests of the chemical industry in the Netherlands. VNCI acts on behalf of the entire sector as a central contact point and represents the members towards media, government and NGO’s and other stakeholders. Before joining VNCI, Manon worked at Unilever and Vopak in various roles with focus on service, safety, health, environment and increasingly: sustainability. As a managing director she led multidisciplinary teams, worked on developing strategy and culture (change) programs. Also in her Vopak years she was regularly in contact with authorities and active in stakeholder management. She studied business administration at Erasmus University Rotterdam.


Stichting The Sustainable Industry Lab

Princetonlaan 8a, 3584 CB Utrecht,
The Netherlands
P. O. Box 80.115, 3508 TC Utrecht,
The Netherlands

Chamber of Commerce: 80381375

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